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So far bpcbackend has created 26 blog entries.

Activating Multi-Generational Volunteer Groups: Effective Engagement Strategies for Committees and Junior Boards


By: Dwayne Ashley, CEO, Sylvia White, EVP, Dr. Tammy Smithers, [...]

Activating Multi-Generational Volunteer Groups: Effective Engagement Strategies for Committees and Junior Boards2024-12-30T18:40:00+00:00

Bridge Philanthropic Consulting (BPC) Shares the Giving USA Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2023


Giving USA: U.S. charitable giving totaled $557.16 billion in [...]

Bridge Philanthropic Consulting (BPC) Shares the Giving USA Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 20232024-07-16T09:55:39+00:00

5 Tips for Being Woke at Rest for Today’s Fundraising, Non-Profit and Social Impact Professionals


By: Dwayne Ashley, CEO and LaQuasha Drisdale Hall, Fellow, Bridge [...]

5 Tips for Being Woke at Rest for Today’s Fundraising, Non-Profit and Social Impact Professionals2024-06-21T08:50:46+00:00

Affordable Housing and Health Equity–Why these social determinants are key to wealth creation!


By: Dwayne Ashley, CEO, William Allen, Dr. Roderick Smothers, Naihlah [...]

Affordable Housing and Health Equity–Why these social determinants are key to wealth creation!2024-06-21T08:38:40+00:00
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